(A 1904 Populist Party campaign poster for presidential candidate Tom Watson of Georgia)
OXFORD, Miss. – More than a century ago the “forgotten man”
of Mississippi and across the South—the farmer, the common worker—decided he’d
had enough of “Wall Street speculators who gambled on his crop futures; the
railroad owners who evaded his taxes, bought legislatures, and over-charged him
with discriminate rates; the manufacturers, who taxed him with a high tariff;
the trusts that fleeced him with high prices; the middleman, who stole his
The forgotten man was so angry, historian C. Vann Woodward
goes on to say, that he created a movement. It came as close to toppling our
two-party system as any effort in the country’s history.
The parallels between the Populist movement of the 1890s and early 1900s and
today’s Tea Party are striking, even though crucial differences also exist.
State Senator Chris McDaniel’s still-contested narrow loss
to incumbent U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran in Mississippi’s Republican runoff last
month exposed a divide with the Republican Party possibly as wide as the divide
that ultimately split the one-party Democratic South in the 1890s between the “Bourbon”
establishment and the rebellious “Populists”.
Voting in the June 24 runoff even paralleled the Bourbon-Populist
split at the turn of the last century. McDaniel won the old Populist stronghold
in the Piney Woods region of southeast Mississippi while Cochran secured the
Bourbon stronghold of white voters in the Delta.
The ruling Bourbon Democrats who emerged after the Civil War
were pro-big business and made sure government stayed friendly to the railroads
and other Northern corporations. They fought any regulation or taxes on big business
but ignored the needs of the little guy whose hard work made business leaders
The very embodiment of Bourbon politics today is Haley
Barbour, the prominent Washington, D.C., lobbyist and former Republican
Mississippi governor who helped lead the charge for fellow Bourbon—“Country
Club” is the preferred term today--Republican Thad Cochran’s re-election.
Barbour’s nephews Henry and Austin worked in Cochran’s campaign, and an FBI
investigator isn’t needed to see Haley’s fingerprints on millions that flowed
into friend Thad’s campaign.
After all, Barbour’s oft-ballyhooed influence in Washington
owes much to Cochran, a former chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. A
prime example: the $570 million in federal housing assistance for Hurricane
Katrina victims that Cochran helped divert into Barbour’s “Port of the Future” project in Gulfport, Miss.,
which is thus far a boondoggle that has failed to deliver the promised jobs.
McDaniel and the Tea Party despise Barbour and his Country
Club friends, who they feel are part of the Big Government-Big Business
alliance that is responsible for the corporate bailouts of the 2008 recession,
the $17 trillion-dollar federal debt, and soft-peddling of the immigration
issue. They believe both parties ignore the daily struggles of average
Tea Partyers’ hands aren’t exactly clean of corporate stain.
Billionaire oilmen Charles and David Koch are big backers. So is the anti-union
Club for Growth organization, which spent millions on McDaniel’s campaign.
Still, they have a point regarding politics in Washington.
The mainstream Republican Party is essentially a tool of
Wall Street and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. What the split Congress can’t
deliver, the U.S. Supreme Court’s pro-corporate majority provides.
Tea Partyers see Democrats as practically socialists, but the
sad truth is that many national Democrats are as cozy with Wall Street as
Republicans. Former President Clinton gave us NAFTA and helped repeal the
Glass-Steagall Act that regulated financial services. The presence of Timothy
Geithner, Larry Summers and Robert Rubin in Obama’s first-term inner circle
proved Wall Street still had a friend in the White House.
Big Corporations “want to be able to play both sides of the
aisle,” writes historian Kim Phillips-Fein in the current edition of New Labor Forum, “and they want to be
close to power regardless of which party holds Congress and the White House.”
The dilemma in American politics is that Wall Street is
amoral, self-interested, and in today’s global economy incapable of allegiance
to any nation. “Deep down, all of them know that they do not really care—that
their own enrichment matters much more than any collective purpose or common
vision,” Phillips-Fein writes.
Tea Partyers know this, but much of their anger is
misdirected. Unlike the Populists of the 1890s, they despise organized labor.
Their benefactors—the Koch brothers and the Club for Growth—would have it no
other way. The old Populists wanted government to serve the people. The Tea
Partyers want government to go away.
Led by Georgia politician Tom Watson, the old Populists
initially welcomed blacks into their ranks—a rare enlightened moment in the
South’s tortured history—but then became bitterly racist when black support
turned to the mainstream parties. Jim Crow ultimately made black support
irrelevant in the South.
Today’s Tea Partyers are overwhelmingly white, and their
downfall may be their inability to accept the nation’s changing demographics.
Their obsession with immigration and migrant workers, for example, betrays
their failure to see a bigger picture, that brown-skinned and black-skinned folks
are not the problem. Tea Partyers are too blind to see it.